The most important upgrades, however, are the dynamic scenery, the ridiculous amount of airports that were added, and the amazing new navigation tools. Until this weekend, I had lacked the software to run the game, but that all changed with a quick trip to the local technological doogy-thingy-majig store.
The first order of business was to try the hop over the Andes from Mendoza, Argentina to Santiago, Chile in the Learjet 45.
It was a great success. Not to brag (because my success rate is only about 30%) but these were two of my finest landings - and back to back.
Here is my approach and finals at Arturo Merino Benitez in Santiago.
Flaps down, center line in view - what else can you ask for?
How about a ridiculously handsome touchdown complete with smoke coming off the tires?
Ask and you shall receive:Seriously, how good am I?
Another of the upgrades to this deluxe edition is interactive Air Traffic Control. You have to request permission to land and you are guided to a specific runway by the controller. The 1998 game has a version of ATC, but it consists of scrolling text on the top of the window. This edition features actual audio interactions. Shortly after landing ATC hands you over to Ground control which tells you what gate to taxi to.
So, to give you an idea of the totality of the flight, check out the flight tracker from MDZ to SCL. At the point where my flight path crossed the gridline, I was just to the north of Aconcagua.
After chilling out in SCL for about 30 minutes, I realized I wanted to head back to the good side of the Andes. I requested a southbound departure so that I could circle to the west and pick up altitude before heading over the Andes. I flew at somewhat of a southeastern heading over the Andes so that I would emerge in Argentina at a location that would give me plenty of time to descend comfortably into Mendoza's El Plumerillo International Airport from my cruising altitude of 35,000 feet. Hence the loopiness.
Welcome to MDZ.
By the way, does anybody else find it coincidental that I primarily blog during the work week? Just checking.
Ahora veo mas claro el viaje que nosotros hacemos. Seria el primero, no?
Ahora, ese avioncito se ve muy chiquito para cruzar la cordillera.
just curious - during his flight did the electricity go out because a disruptive passenger refused to turn off her radio thingy?? because that, like, happened to me once...
very nice blog
very nice info
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