It's time for the second installment of the
Best Color Scheme Among Flag Carriers Tournament. Today we will settle the North American Region. This Regional will include eight airlines from Central America, the Caribbean and Canada. (Remember, the US will not play in this regional - click
here to read the tournament rules.)
There is a situation that requires explanation. Mexico has two government designated flag carriers: Mexicana and AeroMexico. These two airlines will play, but will be forced to face off in the first round - sorry Mexico. There are four airlines on each side of the bracket as follows:
Bracket 1:
#1 Air Canada vs #4 TACA
#2 AeroMexico vs #3 Mexicana
Bracket 2:
#1 Cubana vs #4 Air Dominicana
#2 Air Jamaica vs #3 Copa
Let's get it started... Bracket 1 is up first...
Air Canada vs TACA: This is a battle of two airlines with great tail designs. The Air Canada color scheme wins points for embracing a national symbol (the maple leaf) and the national colors (red and white). TACA has a great tail design - I like those combinations so much I might put them in my living room. However, the red over the cockpit makes it look like it's wearing a bad hair piece, like
this guy. That's it -
WINNER: Air Canada.
AeroMexico vs Mexicana: Here it is the battle of Mexico. This is a tough call because both exhibit very interesting logos on the tail. AeroMexico has the polished look, ala American Airlines. That look is not only classy, but also
saves fuel. In this day and age, that's a winner in my book.
WINNER: AeroMexico.
Air Canada vs AeroMexico: This is this bracket's final. The winner of this match goes on to the Regional Final. Not an easy call by any means. Air Canada is easy on the eyes. The red on white lettering is pleasant, and the maple leaf is classy. But that Aztec on AeroMexico is awesome. It is not only emblematic of Mexico's rich history, but will also kick your ass if it has to. This is a tough call, but WINNER: AeroMexico.
Phew, that was tough, but nobody said this was going to be easy. Now it's off to Bracket 2...
Cubana vs Air Dominicana: A color scheme does not have to be flashy to be good. But Air Dominicana goes to far in the "blah" direction. Nothing very exciting here. The lettering is not even noticeable. And the two orbits in diverging directions are giving me vertigo. WINNER: Cubana.

Copa vs Air Jamaica: W

hat we really have here is the battle of Continental-light vs the old Houston Astros uniform. I'm personally a fan of the globe logo on Copa's tail. It's an overall nice color scheme. But it would be hard to dismiss Air Jamaica's colors. If anything, it's good marketing if people are interested enough in your color scheme to stop and read the name on your plane. But even the Astros organization got tired of those colors, and Air Jamaica should follow suit.
WINNER: Copa.Cubana vs Copa: This is Bracket 2's final. The winner will face AeroMexico in the Final for a chance to represent North America in the Elite Eight. I must admit that I am kind of bored by this final. Copa is certainly classy, but too safe. Cubana has the traditional white, and I like what they do on the tail. It's sort of Air France-ish, but unique in it's own way. The difference is the block lettering. WINNER: Cubana.
Now for the moment of truth. We are about to find out who will join Varig in the Elite Eight of the Tournament. Let's see who the North American representative will be...on to the Final!
AeroMexico vs Cubana: People, it comes down to this...
It's traditional, yet fierce. It's simple, yet elaborate. It's too much, yet not enough. No other airline in this regional was able to stand up to this logo. The fiercest challenger was Air Canada's maple leaf, but even that great logo fell just short. Maybe Air Canada could have won if it had two hockey sticks on the tail - but no such luck. Interestingly, AeroMexico's logo may not have worked with any other color in the background. AeroMexico got this right, and they move on the the Elite Eight. WINNER: AeroMexico.
Now to celebrate...margaritas on Mexico!!!
1 comment:
Here's an announcement i thought you might be interested in....
The B-17 Liberty Belle will be on display at the Albany International Airport August 2-3. The aircraft will be open for tours beginning both days from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Million Air Terminal. The Liberty Foundation, owners and operators of the plane, are also offering rides. Rides in the B-17 will last about 20 minutes. There is a charge of $430. Individuals interested in particiapting in a flight should make flkght reservations at 918 340-0243.
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