In what I hope becomes an annual tradition, we once again celebrated America's birthday in Scituate, MA, which is fast becoming one of my preferred hang outs on the East Coast. We once again were very generously hosted by AK's grandparents. 

Luckily, we got some good beach weather this year. Last year we were in Scituate on a fairly overcast and somewhat cold weekend. This year was a much different story. The weather was great - too great actually. A couple of us ended up with some pretty painful sunburns, and as of a couple of days ago, I was still peeling from the after-effects.
Just like last year's trip, we ate chilli on the first night and grilled on the second night. And, of course, we were treated both nights to an impressive display of flights in and out of Logan, like this British Airways Boeing 747 making a slow approach overhead.

The AK took us to a new beach this time, and although I may be biased because the weather was so much better this year, I liked this one much more than last year's beach. The day started off with myself and Ty Willingham losing a whiffle ball ala Wilson from Cast Away. Then ADB spotted either a dead jellyfish or a lost boob implant on the beach - we think it was a jellyfish, but we are not 100% sure. 

Then there was the mandatory game of catch on the beach. 

And lots and lots of swimming.
I even set aside time to talk local government with Berta, who is a legendary former member of the Town Planning Board. I think they should name a school after him.
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