One day during lunch at work, I made the tragic mistake of admitting to my non-airplane-fanatic co-workers that I believe that there are certain planes that are "sexy." I know, I have problems, but I cannot help the way I see certain things.
When my co-workers pressed me for an example of a "sexy plane" I immediately rattled off the CRJ-100 or 200 and the Airbus A340, all of which I consider to be "sexy" due to their winglets - I just think it makes them look graceful. See for yourself:

I am not a hater, so I would struggle to name a non-sexy airplane, but if absolutely pressed I would name the Cessna Grand Caravan, seen below.

In any case, as you might imagine, I received -perhaps deservedly - quite a bit of abuse after these revelations. There was no shortage of jokes made at my expense regarding certain activities of mine with these planes.
Last week for my birthday, Diane gave me the painting below, which was painted by a friend of hers who happens to be a very talented artist. 

It's an absolute masterpiece. When she commissioned the painting, Diane requested three things: (1) winglets, for the obvious reasons stated above; (2) a body of water, because I also have an obsession with bodies of water; and (3) mountains, to represent Colorado and Argentina. She's the best.
By the way, I would simply like to reiterate my disappointment that EgyptAir does not use an A340 on the JFK - Cairo route. It would have been my "first time."
Oh, I'm a hater . . . very unsexy planes include:
The Fairey Gannett
The Airbus Beluga
The Short Skyvan
hahaha - I have no objection to any of those! The beluga looks like it has a giant tumor
Another VERY unsexy plane . . . from Chile.
Where do you find these things?! Sadly, that is not the ugliest thing I have seen coming out of Chile...
Have you ever thought of buying a large scale model of your favourite one?
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